By visiting a Confido clinic or a Health Plan partner and mentioning the availability of the Confido Health Plan when making an appointment, we guarantee worry-free billing for the insured. This means that we settle the bill with the service provider ourselves, and the insured only has to pay for the deductible or exceed the compensation limit.
The invoice or receipt must include the following information: the name of the healthcare service provider, the name of the service recipient, the name of the service, the price, and the date of service provision. If the invoice does not indicate whether it has been paid, please also provide a payment receipt or bank statement.
The physician’s referral must be issued before receiving the service and must be less than a year old (an occupational health physician’s referral is valid until the date stated in the decision or for up to three years).
The insurance agent has the right to request additional clarifying documents if necessary to determine the circumstances related to the insured event or to establish the amount of the insurance benefit to be paid.
To avoid sharing unnecessary information, please submit only the required details, for example, as a cropped screenshot showing only the relevant information or as a document where all unrelated data is concealed.
Additional information can be found in The General Terms and Conditions of the Health Plan.